The ACT RNA Club meetings are continuing in virtual space

The ACT RNA Club meetings are continuing in virtual space

The ACT RNA Club meetings will be organised via Zoom platform exclusively, for the duration of travel restrictions and social distancing taking effect in Australia. Please install Zoom client or use web-based Zoom access. The meetings will convene at

Please follow the frequently used conventions of joining with muted microphone and using the ‘raise hand’ Zoom function to attract attention and be granted an opportunity to speak by unmuting the microphone in an orderly fashion. We encourage to use your video feed (up to 20 simultaneously) as it gives the necessary feedback to the speaker and creates an exciting meeting atmosphere. However, consider turning the video feed off if there are apparent difficulties in data transmission or there are already more than 20 video feeds on.

We will try making the remote meetings as interactive as possible, to preserve a less formal and friendly atmosphere of The ACT RNA Club meetings. Do not hesitate to raise your hand during the talk (with a concise frequency) to ask a question, and feel free to write any questions or comments to all or selected recipients in the chat!